Who is adopting in your situation, curious to know if we have an equal mix, or if one is more common.
I am a stepmom who adopted my stepson when he was 12
My hubby is adopting my 14 year old son. We should be done soon, all we are waiting on is the fingerprints and the court date! :banana:
"Stepmom" here. I became "mom" from day one of marriage when he was 9, but the adoption was legally finalized when he was 13 (1 yr wait to file after marriage, then over 2 yrs wait for our "turn", then the actual process).
DS is now 17 and graduating from high school in about 6 weeks!!:eek:
My husband is adopting my 8 year old daughter after a 5 year battle. Just waiting on the background check to be completed :banana:
I'm an adoptive step-dad of 4-1/2 years. The kids then were 9, 10, 14, and 15 and are now 13, 14, 18 and 19 (or something close to that).
my youngest has told me that he can't even remember what his bio-dad looks like that that it's almost like I've always been his dad (awwwww - sniff, sniff, wipe tears)
my husband of 17 years adopted my daughter from a previous when she was 4....he had been in her life since she was about 6 months....she just graduated hs this past, she is started to ask the big questions!!....even though, i have never hidden the adoption from her. well, she knows his name.....but, she is wanting more info....what do i do? :confused: