Dear Sir or Madam:
I am seeking an opportunity to work at an organization dedicated to promoting and facilitating the practice of adoption. As an adoptee I understand the importance and the complexities of adoption and I would love to dedicate my life to assisting children and prospective parents find the loving families they deserve. My personal experience has been instrumental in my personal pursuits. I have volunteered at various organizations and obtained my B.A. in Public Affairs and M.S. in Non-Profit Management. However, since graduating I have worked primarily in the insurance industry and currently I work at a law firm.
I have a job right now, but what I am looking for is a career. I understand I am where I am today because of dedicated professionals in your field and because of my adoptive parents. My parents put any uncertainties they may have had about parenting and the issues that surround adoption aside, and simply put the idea of love and family first. I am forever grateful to them and would love to make them proud. Finding a job in your field is one way I know I would make them proud and fulfill my life long objective.
Enclosed please find a copy of my resume (if you are unable to view my resume please let me know and I will forward a copy ASAP). I possess a unique combination of experience, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn and contribute gained through my extensive administrative, sales and customer service background. If you believe there may be an opportunity currently or in the future to become a part of your team, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Monica Sanders