so tomorrow is saturday and i was wondering what things everyone assigns to their kids and at what ages you think a child is able to accomplish a task. do they have daily chores or mostly are things done on sat? basically i want your chore chart ideas!!!!
We don't make the kids do nearly as many chores as they should, but more than they think is fair. We have a weekly chore chart. My two fifth graders alternate days for daily litter box duty (except Sunday). All three are each expected to make their own beds daily, also put all their clean clothes away after I have done laundry. I have a shelf and a hanging rack in laundry room, they need to come get their clothes from there. They take turns (via the chart) setting and clearing the table. Toilets scrubbed 2x a week, dusting done once a week (this is the 1st graders job), bathroom counter and sink wiped down daily (alternate via chart). 11ds has garbage duty, 10dd has vacuuming duty and 7ds has recycling duty. Also, they can do yard work for Dad, and he pays them.
Now, those are the expectations. that is not what really happens. But I figure if we hit half of it we are doing well.
WE use marbles to help them stay respectful and such. they lose marbles when we have a problem (back talk, fighting, etc). When they do a chore they may earn back one marble. However if they do not do their chore they lose one marble.
Marbles=nickels... to be paid when we go on vacation to Disneyland.
Same here, the kids don't really do that many chores. Of course they are in charge of keeping their rooms clean and getting dirty laundry to the wash, and then folding and putting away their laundry.
Then my big kids alternate weekly chores - the two big girls / the two big boys - one pair is on "Kitchen" duty (dishes, counters, garbage, floor) while the other is on "Dining Room" duty (setting the table, cleaning the table, vacuuming under the table).
Each of the big kids has a set day that they are in charge of taking the dog out, and if the dog has an accident in the house then that child has to clean it up (incentive to not forget to take her out! LOL!)
We have a lot of garbage, so everybody is on garbage duty on trash day.
Other than that, it's as needed, and as assigned by me. If I need a bathroom cleaned, or stairs vacuumed, then it's the job of whoever I think needs to get some energy out, or whoever needs something to do!
;~) Kelly
My oldest dd and ds alternate on trash duty and dog feeding.
My youngest dds alternate on cat feeding and litter box cleaning
I vacuum the carpet...ever since the "vacuum incident"
DS sweeps the kitchen floor and cleans his bathroom.
I clean the main bathroom.
Little dd#1 sorts laundry
Little dd#2 puts clothes on the hangers and delivers them to their owners
All kids pooper scoop the backyard and sweep the patio.
I clean the front yard and mow the grass on the hill.
Oldest dd mows the backyard and ds mows the front yard.
ds used to wipe down the walls, but he makes a bigger mess than he cleans up.
I dust all hard surfaces, clean the kitchen and the laundry room and do the laundry.
I'm tired just thinking about it all.
see kathy - thats the problem. i am just tired thinking about. shoulda thought about that begore i got all these kids. i must be crazy!
I can deal with almost everything....but laundry.
I hate it.
My son would change clothes ten times a day if I let him. There's been days he'll try to leave the house with FOUR shirts on ! Why does anyone need to wear FOUR shirts !?!
Ok...I feel better now. :)
anyone who is over 12 in my house does their own laundry. that solved the 4 shirt thing around here!
At 12 big J started doing all his laundry- start to finish.
At 16 he became responsible for cleaning the front bathroom (completely: toilet, shower scrubbing, floor, counters, mirror, etc.)
He also sets the table each night for dinner and does other things as asked (garbage, lifting, etc).
I think he should have an outdoor chore, but perfectionist Dad won't let him touch it!
Little J (he's 5) is responsible for daily food and water for the cat and the dog, along with cleaning his own room and keeping his toys cleaned up everywhere, inside and out.
He LOVES to clean so he's always begging me to let him clean the blinds or the windows, or vacuum or mop. It's pretty funny.
When big J leaves for college, Little J will take over table setting and cleaning the bathroom. We will do his laundry together until he's ready to take it over (12 at the latest).
There's no way I'd let my son, Mr. Destructo, anywhere near my washer. Somehow things mysteriously get broken/disassembled/maimed whenever he touches them. lol
I have thought about teaching him how to hand wash. :D
that is true. my ds that is mr destructo isnt old enough yet, but what will i do when he is? he is only 10 now and breaks everything! all part of attachment problems, im told. he is not rad, but does have some issues.compared to my daughter he is very mild. oh boy, will she ever be able to do her own laundry? she is 7, but emotionally around 4. big time radlet.