I've been looking for a used 10 or 12 passenger van for our family. I happened to drive past a house that had a dark red van with a for sale sign. So I stopped,and talked to the owner. It only has 23,000 miles, and the asking price is very good! Only problem is we'd have to purchase another bench seat to make is seat 10(right now it seats 7).
We have to stop at the bank in the morning and see if we can get a small loan.
We are buying it tomorrow! I'm so excited ! I have been telling dh I wanted to buy a 10 or 12 passenger van for awhile, but all we ever see is white ones. (the local prison transports using white 12 passenger vans!).
We will have payments for a year or so, but that's ok. this van is 10x better than the junky thing we are driving now!