There seems to be a strong trend towards celebrities adopting. One of the biggest celebrities Brad and Angie are continuously in the spot light for adopting. I just wanted to know how this makes any of you feel? I am asking everyone in the triad.
I am an adoptee. I think in a way Angela is doing a good thing for adopting these less fortunate children but at the same time, I dont think she is thinking about the reprecussions down the road. These children may want to know their birth parents down the road and vice versa. What will she do then?
I can't pretend to know what's going on in celebrities' minds regarding their intentions in adopting, but it seems more like publicity stunts than anything. Also, it annoys me that they adopt internationally (and usually babies) when there are plenty of kids of all ages in their own countries who need loving families. While I do not oppose interracial adoptions, it makes me uncomfortable to think about the fact that children who are not racially similar to their adoptive families will have more identity problems growing up than your average adoptee.
While I rather like the publicity that adoption is getting -- maybe encouraging more "regular" people to adopt -- I agree that it does seem more like it's for publicity than actually a desire to have a child. But I suspect that's the case with a lot of celebrities that get pregnant, too -- it's a huge trend to be a mom in Hollywood right now, from looking at the covers of the magazines I see in checkout lines. Being a mom should not be a trend. It should be a lifelong commitment, and if celebrities are really committed to their kids, it's fine to have them -- whether by birth or adoption. Unfortunately, it seems like all too many of them are likely dumped with nannies and rarely see their parents.
While I rather like the publicity that adoption is getting -- maybe encouraging more "regular" people to adopt -- I agree that it does seem more like it's for publicity than actually a desire to have a child. But I suspect that's the case with a lot of celebrities that get pregnant, too -- it's a huge trend to be a mom in Hollywood right now, from looking at the covers of the magazines I see in checkout lines. Being a mom should not be a trend. It should be a lifelong commitment, and if celebrities are really committed to their kids, it's fine to have them -- whether by birth or adoption. Unfortunately, it seems like all too many of them are likely dumped with nannies and rarely see their parents.
I think we should be careful and not assume things for these celeberaties. We don't live in their lives as they don't live in ours and shouldn't assume anything about us. If children are getting a wonderful, loving home to grow up in that is all that matters to me. I think in some aspect that the celebs are showing some light on adoption. We are all human beings and have the right to complete our family anyway we want. I wish I had their money so I could have a dozen children running around my house.
I think we should be careful and not assume things for these celeberaties. We don't live in their lives as they don't live in ours and shouldn't assume anything about us. If children are getting a wonderful, loving home to grow up in that is all that matters to me.
No offence meant, but I think there is considerable concern here. I think adoptees more than anyone know what I mean.
My feelings are probably extreme, but I'm a little ashamed to admit that I agree with this sentiment. I don't want to have my own kids because I feel there are more than enough people on the planet, but I don't want to adopt because I'm terrified that my child would have the same issues that I did; I would not wish that sort of existence on my worst enemy. Of course I don't oppose adoption, but I don't think I could ever inflict it on a child (and, by extension, a birthmother). What does not kill us may make us stronger, but it would have been nice not to be in a situation that posed a threat to my health and well-being in the first place. Note: I'm a bit bitter right now as I'm just starting to work through the emotions I've been feeling for so long. Since I can't let them out in the way I used to, i.e. acting like a child, I get very frustrated at other things and channel it that way. I do not mean to offend anyone with my post, just offering my admittedly pessimistic views, which will most likely change as I heal.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Jannyroo! I'm so thrilled that you and your bson are finally on steadier ground. It's solid proof to you that your bson was acting out, and that he really does want to have a relationship with you on an adult level. I, too, hope that he and his amom can work out their relationship. There's a lot of distance between them, but you know from personal experience that a mother's love knows no bounds. I think once he starts making the changes he needs, it will make it easier for her to approach him (and for him to approach her). Thanks, too, for your encouraging words. I know that I will eventually heal, but it's good to hear it from a person who's living it. I'm glad that such a simple act of sharing information helped you get on the path to a happier, healthier, more fulfilling relationship with your precious son. Please keep me updated, as I'm keen to hear about your experiences! Love and hugs to you, too, Jannyroo. I'll be in touch!