[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Hello,
This is my first thread posted so I hope I get tons of replys on this one. LOL. Our CW told us that we would be Licensed by today!!! We are foster to adopt and foster parents by county. During our Adoption class the speaker/teacher told us that we needed to "SELL OURSELVES" basically. Make booklets that tell other counties who you are and what your family likes to do together. So I made a scrapbook about DH and me with tons of pictures to show, and then went over to Kinkos and had all of them copied. We plan on mailing them just as soon as I get the word "Licensed" from my cw. My question is this...what else can we do to let other counties know that we are Licensed and also certfied to adopt? What did you all do to improve your chances of getting that phone call?
The scrapbook we made we didn't mail out. It was used during interviews with counties and then to familiarize the child to our home (before he came).
What I had done, was a one page flyer. It had a picture of us, with some information on what we're looking for, what we like to do, etc. I got the mailing or email address for each county agency in our state. I sent them a copy of the flyer, along with an informal copy of our homestudy. Out of 45 counties or so, I heard back from maybe a dozen that said they would keep it on file. Its not to say the others didn't, but I didn't hear back from them. The ones I heard back from got it via email. So that seems to work better than mailing.
Also, during our search, we would start pursuing an interest in a child but when we felt it wouldn't be a good match for us or the child, we would ask that worker if they had any others that may fit and market us that way too.
We attended matching events and handed out the flyer and our homestudy. Our worker also brought our flyer and homestudy to matching events they attended and handed it out to other agencies and counties.
Actually the child we ended up being matched with, was b/c of a child we turned down and the worker liked us so much, she referred this other child to us. She didn't publicize him and we were the only family considered and interviewed.
Good luck in your search!
Should/could you do this if you're "just fostering" with no intent to adopt?
The caseworker we have with our fsons told me recently, "Now that I know you exist, i'll be placing every child I get in your home!" Made me feel really good, but I had to wonder about the other counties we're listed with... they don't know us from Adam... would they be more likely to call us if they knew us?