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Thread: Finding Russian Birth parents
Can you send me info to find birth parents? Was adopted
I did find my Russian daughter's birth parents. I used the services of a Russian Speaking British man who lives in Russia. You will have to PM me for more information. I decided to search based on information I got from the orphanage. The only reason my daughter was placed was because they felt they could not properly care for her disabilities in Russia. So we were able to contact her parents and now have photos of them and her full siblings and some photos of her parents as children as well as information in case she wants a relationship with them. The contact was painful for them, though also healing. The mother is releived that the child is now happy and loved and able to have a full life. The father is a little ashamed that he could not properly provide for his child and that his country could not. It hurt him, but he too is glad that she is happy and loved. We are able to send letters and photos through the English gentleman and they can also send us letters if they wish through him.