Birth mom was around 16 yrs. old at time of birth. Birth mom's DOB is July/1947. Birth mom was a ward of the state and lived in an orphanage called "Jr. Order Home" in Lexington, NC until she became pregnant and was sent to a home for unwed mothers in Charlotte NC. Birth Moms name is Linda May but may have used the name Babs Murphy while at the maternity home. She gave birth and was able to keep baby in room with her over night and baby was taken away the next day. She may have named the girl Melinda. This was the name on a baby braclet she had with her. Adoption is believed to have been handled by DSS but unsure and the Social workers name believed to be Ms. Pully. Both birth parents were from the Granville and Franklin County area. Birth father was also around 16-17 at time of birth. It is believed that the adoptive parents sent pictures of the girl for a few years in the beginning so it is possible the adoptive parents know the birth moms name.
I just ran across this message within the past couple of days. Linda Louise May is my mother. I was born in Lexingon, NC in 1973. My father just recently told me that my mother had a daughter out of wedlock before he married her and that the daughter was adopted. He has given me a lot of information that corresponds with what you have posted here. If you are still looking for this person, please contact me. I do not know where she is, but maybe some of the information I have can help you fill in the blanks.
My mother was adopted in ahoskie NC. She was born 3-5-64. With the middle name Marie.