I believe it is time for PA to step up on this one. Several states provide college funding for children adopted from foster care, but PA has yet to do so. Please take a few moment and contact your local representatives. You find them using your home zip code at: [url=]The Pennsylvania General Assembly - Find Your Legislator[/url] You can find out about existing programs in other states here: [url=]College Tuition Waiver and Scholarship Programs -[/url] With all of the hurdles that children who have been and are in the foster care system face, lets make it so education isn't one of them!
Wow, that's sad. I thought that PA did provide scholarships for foster to adopt children to attend state run universities. A friend who adopted a foster child mentioned this fact. Is there another program that she may have been talking about? Or, do some counties in PA offer it?
Thanks for the posting.
Thanks for reading! psu4ever- I have found some individual scholarships - but nothing like what other some states have that bascially if they go to a state school it's free. Some have restrictions about things like GPA and also maintaining a job (which I think is great) I strongly believe that education is a HUGE step to breaking the foster care 'cycle' that many of these kids come from.
Hi Diane,Long time since we communicated! I totally agree with you about college,Pa simply offers nothing. My foster son from Texas,can receive a free Texas state school college education as long as he returns there,but I probaly wouldn't let him,I miss him,ha ha, we are going to look inot the civil air patrol,youth from 11 years old to21,he needs to take a interest in something besides TV and Video games! civil air patrol has scholarships for college,plus my son is talking military,so if I can push him and get the grades up,I would like to try a military academy!
It is about tome Pa cleans it self,Like no Child Left Behind,Yes Right what a joke!
I agree 100%. There should be a comprehensive, state-wide program for all PA kids who were/are in foster care. It seems like an issue for the PA State Foster Parent Association to take up. Maybe they could use their organization to build some lobbying power at the state level? See their website at: [url=]Welcome to[/url].
DianeScraps - Would you be willing to share the scholarship programs you've come across? Our son is 11 and in 5th... we've got 7 years to save for college, all while addressing his special needs (meaning, we're trying to save, but don't think we'll have anywhere near what we would like).
I agree 100%. There should be a comprehensive, state-wide program for all PA kids who were/are in foster care. It seems like an issue for the PA State Foster Parent Association to take up. Maybe they could use their organization to build some lobbying power at the state level? See their website at: [URL=""]Welcome to[/URL].