My husband and I started the process of fp in May 07, classes in August 07 and still have not done our hs:( . Each time I call the cw I feel as if I am being screened by the receptionist. She seems to never be there or with a client. Has anyone else been in this situation? Should I keep calling or just be patient?
Have you tried email? I find that works best because our cw will read and answer quickly. Also, you might try the supervisor to see if you can get an answer.
If you still don't get any satisfaction, you might want to consider switching agencies. There are plenty out there and you are in no way obligated to stay with the agency where you did your classes.
I second the supervisor suggestion. The next time you call, advise the receptionist that if your CW isn't available, you would like her supervisor and if that person isn't avialble, the supervisor's supervisor. Get names/emails. Log how many times you've called and when or the same for emails. In my opinion, the time frame you've given is definitely pretty slow!
I know a lot of people will start to build their "supplies" during this time. Start going to garage sales or consignment shops. Go on or other places. Get some bins and start putting some basic clothing items of all sizes in there from these various places. Get highchairs, pack n plays, swings, strollers, etc and other items from these places as well. This way you don't have to rush out and pay top dollar for new items once you are placed.
We had to get an extraordinary amount of stuff done after the hs, but I don't know why you couldn't do some of it before. Here are a few things that I think you could take care of in advance, and remember to keep all of your documentation:
*Make sure your pets are rabies vaccinated
*Put child safety locks on all cabinets
*Designate a cabinet that can be locked for medicines
*Get a lock box for all psychotropic meds
*Get a fire extinguisher for every level of your home
*Have the extinguisher inspected and tagged
*Call your local fire marshall and get your fire and safety inspection--if it doesn't cost anything (ours was free), if it costs, your agency might help you with it during/after the hs
*Make sure you have smoke detectors that are in working order on every level of your house
*Get your child/infant CPR
*Make sure all of your personal info--car insurance, marriage license, driver's license, SSN card, diplomas, birth certificates (if required) are available
That's all I can think of right now. As for what to buy? Well, I read another post on the forums that said Wal-Mart is open 24 hours, so don't worry. Our Wally World actually closes at 9 (we live in a little bitty town!), but we're still able to get what we need. Like everyone else, we have a limited amount of storage and you can never tell what size/gender kid you'll get!