Hello everybody! I'm new here and thank God I have found this site. My husband is wanting to adopt my 9 year old son. We have been married 4 1/2 years and have a 2 year old son together.
I have had sole custody of my 9 year old for about 4 years now and his biodad has had supervised visitation. This being because he has felony convictions of selling/possessing drugs, felony violation of ex-parte order, and he threatened suicide and taking my son with him.
In Oct 2006 he was again caught with drugs and again racked up more felony convictions (possession w/ intent to sell). So he has been incarcerated since then and will probably be released around Feb. '08.
He refuses to pay child support and has pled guilty twice to not paying it. He owes around $13,000. Has had approximately $1200 withheld from his checks in the last 4 years.
Since he has been in jail he has written to my son only once.
I have retained a lawyer and are in the process of filing the petition for adoption based on abandonment and failure to support. I know he will contest this. I know we have "grounds" for termination of parental rights but has anybody been through anything like this and been successful??
Anybody out there been denied the adoption and if so why?