Having being a foster carer and adoptive parent, with three birth children and four adoptive children (my little motely crew) I have experienced the despair of some children going through the care process.I have worked with birth parents and seen the pain in their eyes when they realise they cannot cope with their children. I have seen children so badly damaged the best way I can descibe their pain is to liken it to the pain one would feel if having a amputation without general aneastitic.My children are now all growing up. Each of my adoptive children have all their own stories to tell. I made a promise to these parents and my children one day I will write a book about fostering, no holds barred. I want people to share the highs and lows,happy times and sad times that go hand in hand with the process of fostering. My seven children differ greatly, dont all children ?. yet children within the care sector are often sterotyped. The word foster child to some automatically brings the words, difficult, unruly, parents a bad lot,tags they often carry throughout their lifes. Yes some are difficult, some have major issues but what we as a society should be asking is "What can we do to address these problems ?" Fostering of course has to be based on the children, but birth parents, foster parents, adoptive parents agencies all have to work together. To learn from past mistakes, to ensure help is available through each stage of the whole process. There is a great need for care plans to be based on what is needed rather than finance. I would really love to hear from people about their expperiences and who knows perhaps we may be able to help children that are shrouded by a blanket of loss,so this is just the begining of a long journey.
You know this is so how I feel as well it is a journey not only for the child but for us as families. I have too see the things you mention on how the children are viewed and wrongfully labled. I have adopted three in the process of three more and have given birth to a son. In this if I had not see the difference I could make then I could not move forward but because of the difference I have made I will continue to carry on. :)