After a year of searching, my husband and I have been matched with an 8 y.o. boy from FL!
Does anyone in PA have experience adopting from FL?
How long did ICPC take?
Did FL try and get you to take the child without any Medicaid, subsidy, etc?
If you used your SWAN home study to adopt out-of-state, where the post-placement visits included in the fee you had to pay SWAN?
Sorry for all the questions, but it has been difficult trying to get the answers from the agencies. Thanks!
You are in luck! I know a family that adopted a 12yr old girl from FL. They were matched in april or may time frame...visited during summer, and the girl came to stay the first week in August. Unfortunately, since then the girl has had to be hospitalized several times, so the family hasn't been on the boards much of late, but I will PM you their username and email. Im sure she can give you some great advice for dealing with FL> I know the subsidy rates are pretty low, and she can explain what happened during the ICPC. What county in PA are you in? What agency are you using? Congrats on the match and good luck with ICPC.