Hello ,
I need to know when we apply to become foster parents and are denied for something in the home study do we have a right to know exactly why?? I've been told that there are three things in my homestudy that will make any agency deny me but the agency I went throught refuse to let me review or get a copy of the home study. I am so upset because I'm being accussed of something I know nothing about. I went thru the whole process, purchassed bedrm furniture, jumped thru all the hoops now this. Please does anyone know what my next step should be. I have called the Regional Director, sent certified mail and have not heard anything. Please help.
you mail email me at Thanks all i'm just so hurt and dissappointed
That's strange...I would think you should have a right to the copy of homestudy but I never dealt with that problem. A homestudy is about the home being a safe place. Medicines, chemicals, firearms and other dangerous things should be locked away.
A homestudy is not ONLY about the physical home itself being a safe place (that part was very last for us) it's a study about the people living in the home too
We were able to get a copy of our home study when we applied to be foster parents. If the SW can't give it to you then go up the ladder. And our home study involved health inspection, 2 home visits with alot of questions on our life and growing up, etc...and our philosphy on parenting, and a background check and reference checks. Is there something in your past as a child that concerns them? Do they think you wouldn't be able to parent due to something in your life growing up? How about references? What did they respond like? They should at least give you some type of reason for denial.
i know it has been a couple of months since your last post. Has this been resolved yet. I don't know where you are from and what theur laws are but i think yhey should be able to tell you why you were denied. I help with our county's GPS classes (10 week trainig to become fp) and i know they have to tell the prospective parents the reason for denial.
Thank you for all your kind words and support. There was no appeal process and I don't know what the home study said. The agency refused to let me know anything and that was so strange because the worker who did the study told me she was referring me and how well my home was. She never inquired about any weapons,chemcals, knives or anything like that. It took her about seven hours and a month later I received the denial letter. The sad part is that I have applied elsewhere and was denied due to whatever the first agency is saying. It ony states negative home study from other agency. The agency is under investigation and I have done a deposition so we'll see what happens. I no longer wish to be a foster parent due to all the undue stress and agrevation I have went thru. I have friends who are experiencing some awful things with this agency like picking up children from workers home then the agency just forgets about the child then had the foster parent falsify paperwork or she would not have been paid. Anyway, I will contiune to post and let you all know the outcome but I do know there is an investigation going on now. Again, THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT AND KIND WORDS.