I have known about my sister for years now... But just that I have a sister, and thats it. My mother got pregnant and was forced by her father to live in a home and give the child up or adoption. The only vague information I have is that she was born in the Akron or Montpelier, Ohio area, and that she could have been born in 1977-1979. I have searched online but have not gone to an agency or anything like that. My mother will not give me any more information because it was such a painful time in her life and it hurts her to even think about having to give up her child.
I am very anxious to meet her and I just want to have that closure of knowing who she is and what she is like so that I can build some sort of relationship with her. Can someone help me start the search and or give me a push in the right direction.. (sometimes the internet is so confusing)