Hi all!!!
Still waiting for our first placement. Is there a "busy season"? We got a call for a 4yo last week, but we had to turn them down. We are not really set up for a(n) older child. How long is the normal wait time for your first placement?? Thanks
M :phone: ring already!!!
We (sort of) lucked out. We had our first placement prior to being certified. But unfortunately that (fost to adopt) placement didn't work out and it was really devestating. I thought it would be a long time til we got another one, but within 4 weeks we had another placement. We did get several calls during those weeks, but they were placements we wouldn't consider. The wait is hard.... just try to keep yourself busy. Also, I would call once a week (or email) just checking in to see if they had anything or reminding them I was ready/willing/able. Stay on their mind! Good luck!(Oh, I am through an agency).
I'm with one of the private agencies that contracts to DHS in Philly. Though we live in MontCo, I really liked this agency so we decided to work with them. Apparently it doesn't matter. Anyway, I really do like the sw's in this agency and I do touch base with my sw every other week or so...I just keep telling myself that it will happen when it's meant to happen and not before (of course it helps that my DH keeps reminding me of that every few days)