Because I know for a fact that BioD will fight an adoption of our two children by stepdad - we have decided to wait until they are 18. My question is - once 18 - can BD still contest the adoption? A little background - BD has NOT seen the children in 2 years, has not had ANY form of contact with them for over a 1 1/2 years but has CS taken out of his pay every week. The oldest will be 18 in a few months and is looking forward to stepdad adopting him/her (dont want to reveal sex) because child wants to graduate with stepdads name becuz stepdad has been the one that is always there - not just financially - but with love and support.
Thoughts?? Thank you.:thanks:
An adult can be legally adopted in most states, and it is easier and less costly than the adoption of a minor because the 18 year old can say that is what they want. I found a really good link to different states adoption code last night somewhere thru these step-parent blogs and cannot for the life of me find it today. Good luck!
I knew they could be adopted after the age of 18 (I don't know much but that part I did know lol!).
My son wants all "traces" of bio dad gone. And we found out that a name change is just about as expensive as adoption - so why not just do the adoption and make the guy you call "Dad" officially your dad?
Thanks for the input and let me know if you find the link! In the meantime I'll search for it as well!!
:coffee: :thanks: