We live in PA and are in the process of adopting a boy from FL. FL will not give us a copy of his birth certificate because it has the names of his birth parents on it. How do we register the child for school without a birth certificate? We're wondering what others' experiences have been in this situation. Thanks!
I live in PA and did not have any trouble registering my foster son for school. I told them I did not have a birth certificate and brought in the court papers proving I had educational guardianship for him. That's all they needed. If you don't have a court paper showing you are educ. guardian, request one from his workers.
If the education rights letter doesn't work...why not ask FL to fax or mail the school a copy or the birthcertificate directly if they won't let you see it? Or mail/fax to your worker who could bring it to the school? Then the worker can send it back, all without you seeing the birth parents names. HOWEVER, Ive got to imagine during full disclosure you would have had other documents with birth parents names. There is an adoptive mom on here (Michele81) that is adopting her daughter from FL and she's here in PA. Her daughter has been here for 6 months. She can help you with any additional specifics. Good luck.