Anyone have any advise for us. We are out in western pa, we learned of 2 kids that need a home and are currently in the "system" Both parents of these children want to relinquish their rights and allow my husband and I to adopt them. However, the county involved, begins with a "B", is doing anything and everything behind everyones' back to not refer these kids to us. It has nothing to do with us personally, it iis cause they do theings their own way. Well this went to court this past wednesday for a permancy hearing for the 1 child, (mind you) they did call our agency about 3 weeks ago to get our homestudy and everything, is considered an open referral at this point). So On wed, the judge asked CYS what they are doing with these kids, and they said they are looking into resources....and there is NO family that wants these kids. and the "mothers" attorney told the judge we are a resource and the judge told CYS to look into us and gets these kids with us. Well that was Wednesday, NO CALL...yet. My casre worker has been calling and calling even calling the supervisor, and NO CALLS. The mother is doing everything she can although she is a bit limited as she is incarcerated (sorry if mis-spelled). She said when she receives the court dockets and if it says nothing in there about getting these kids to us she will file and appeal....she wants these kids with us NOW. ANyone have any suggestions.............PLEASE
No suggestions... just well wishes that things start moving in the right direction for you. Maybe you can get ahold of the kids' CASA (kids' lawyer)? My suggestion would be to keep going up the CYS chain.
Ugg - I live in Eastern PA - but we have county workers out here that pull the same kind of junk.
I would see if the mother's attorney might be able to help, posssibly put in a formal request for placement in your home.
I am assuming you are fully certified? If not I would work with your agency to do everything ASAP for that. Clearances, physicals, trainings, etc
Well I just tlk to the "mother" of the children. She just got the ppk back from the hearing, and it said on there, "there is no family or friends that are resources for these children" How much BULL is that. She is appealing it, and letting me know when the court date is so my husband and I can go
URGH....So today, The grandmother of the Children called the director of CYS where the kids are to find out what is going on. She got a call back from a supervisor advising the reason thay are not calling us is cause we live 5 hrs away, and in the best interest of the kids, it is too long of a drive for visitation. The mother and us agreed we would do 1/2 way, she told the supervisor that, and she said no, cause they are the ones who have to transport her for visitation. But.................they have someone else they are looking into to adopt these kids.....AH NO....I am fighting this.............I don think this is right one bit that we are being discriminated cause we live 5 hrs away. The supervisor also told her, that the mother and father can not sign their kids to us.???????????????
I can only wish you the best... dont stop trying .. the kids need you... are you in beaver or butler? where are the kids?
the judge told CYS to look into us and gets these kids with us.
The judge might ask CYS to look at your homestudy but he/she would NOT say "get those kids" to them. The judge will want the input of CYS as to whether or not you're a resource. However, the judge will also consider what CYS, the children's attorney and any child advocates say regarding what's in the best interest of the children. He will base his ruling on what is in the CHILD'S best interest, not on what is in the parents' best interest.
thay are not calling us is cause we live 5 hrs away, and in the best interest of the kids, it is too long of a drive for visitation. The mother and us agreed we would do 1/2 way, she told the supervisor that, and she said no, cause they are the ones who have to transport her for visitation.
That means there is a court order for visitation. IF YOU WERE BIO FAMILY, they wouldn't want to transport 5 hours each way. Since you can't take the kids to them (it's unreasonable to expect a newborn and toddler to spend 10 hours in a car every week), it is NOT in their best interest for them to be with you. And you can't expect social services to drive ten hours in one day so a bioparent can have a visit. Even if you were a relative, they wouldn't do it. And since you are not a legal or biological relative of the children, there is no reason for them to consider you. Despite the parents wanting you to have custody, you have as much "right" to the babies as I do.
The ONLY way the children will be placed with you is if the parents voluntarily terminate their parental rights (ASAP!) and the judge, children's lawyer and CYS agrees you are the best placement. Without TPR of the parental rights, these kids are just "foster kids" not adoptable kids. And they will not move "foster" kids 5 hours away to be with a non relative placement. The more time that goes by, the more attached the children will become to the foster family. Once the children are bonded to that foster family, the court will NOT remove them and place them with a non-relative 5 hours away for adoption. If the parents of these babies are serious about you adopting, then they need to TPR now with an identified surrender.
Thank you Kat, I do understnad what you are saying and what CYS is saying, The parents are trying to relinquish their right, but the mom is afraid if she relinquished her rights before the kids were placed with us, that CYS would place them in another adoptive home. I do understand what needs ot be done is in best interest for these kids. It is just stressing, as we were told by CYS at 1 point the kids would be placed with us with in 2 weeks, then it changed to they were looking into other resources. I knw for a fact their in NO FAMILY, that are resources to these children.
Kat-L is right. I know it isn't what you want to you have posted this thread in several places and have received the same info and advice in each place.
The parents cannot terminate their rights with the stipulation that the kids go to you although your chances would be better if they would go ahead and terminate. However, working through the biomom is probably hurting any chance you have.
I know you feel you are what is best for these children but that doesn't appear to be the case from everyone else's point of view. Any visits would have to be supervised and finding a worker to transport that distance and then sit for an hour or two to monitor will never happen. And Kat is correct in saying that transporting children for 10 hours is just not feasible.
Have you ever found out WHY bioparents want you? Since they are apparently refusing to terminate rights unless they KNOW FOR SURE that you will get says to me that they plan on continuing contact with their children through you or are hoping to bypass the system by placing their kids where they can still "have" them. Be careful.
The bio mom is a friends relative. They just wanted the children to be some where safe, and they knew they would be safe with us. They also knew that once adoption went through visitation would stop as well. They were well aware of it all, and knew that we wanted th e respect of raisig the children. I guess what I am confused about as well is at 1 point, this caseworker of the children knew everything, called my agency got all home stody and everything on us, called me, talked to me, told me with in 2 weeks either we would start vistation and or placed these kids with us. Then the bio father's uncle came in the picture, but only wanted 1 child, and found out that CYS would not split them, and now they are looking into some completly other ppl.
Something happened between the time that the CW told you that visitation would start and now. Perhaps the supervisor said no to the distance of travel, etc.
I think you are getting alot of second hand information through the biomom's family and some of it may not be correct. There may in fact BE family willing to take these children...even on the biodad's side. Biomom may not like that idea, but again, she has no say at this point. The paternal uncle stepping forward probably gave CYS more insight into the family and has opened up other avenues for placement that you or the biomom's cousin know nothing about.
Perhaps what you should consider is how CYS is looking at this. If the parents were capable of understanding what is a "safe" home for their children then they should had provided it. Their opinion of your home really matters little because their opinion is obviously skewed as to what children need or they would have met those needs.
Unfortunately, bioparents do not get to choose the "safe" home they want their children to go to. They lost that right when THEY did not provide a safe, loving home.
I am sorry you got your hopes up when the CW relayed some obviously wrong info to you about your chances. But unless the current foster home is NOT a "safe" place (and the burn will not prove that it is not) then the children will more than likely stay where they are......they will reunite with family, or be placed for adoption and their current foster family will have higher priority over you (the distant family friend)
I do know 1st hand there is NO family from either side that is stepping up for these kids. Yes I got my hopes up. It was an eye opening thng for me and I have learned alot I did not know or did not realize. The reason, not that I need to explain, the children was put in foster care is cause the bio mom was put in jail for not going to a court hearing,and the baby was born while she was in jail and the father lives out of state. Yes they both do have prior/current drug issues. Any othe rissues CYS has against the bio mom, all came back as UNFOUNDED...... Yes it was said in court this was to be ru/adoption, but when she got the court ppk back it only said ru. The children are not staying in the home they are currently in, CYS is looking at other resources and has been since the baby was born, The home they are in in not a permanent place for them. How do I know this, or think I one point that were in contact with my agency about placing them with us, and they were in contact with family of the kids that I do have some contact with. Majority of this info I write is not all 4 line down being passed. It is what was all said to ppl I tlk to that came from CYS. This is irrelevant to this, but in a way may be not, But i have heard come major complaints with certains cw and this county with other issues before that what they have in their files only their eyes see, NO ONE ELSE. Which may be true, but I do know someone 1st hand that has dealt with that county and when she came upon her file while in their office and saw her file, she saw things written in there that were complete LIES> Ok I am sorry I am done venting!
On another thought, I have calmed down now. Sorry. Like I said I am new to I am learning alot here. I thank you all, cause I have learned something from everyone. Yes I don't agree with what CYS does sometimes, I am sure others feel the same. Yes of course we would have been tickled pink to have these kids and show them love and care. Everything happens for a reason. I have been through alot in life, and know that we may not understand that things happen for a reason until later in life. I have decided to not push anymore in this case. If for what ever reason we do get approved to provided for these children, we will be glad to do so with open arms, but for now....we need to let this rest. Thank you to ALL for your thoughts and suggestions.