HI all
i have just gotten my boy home for good in the last week. He has been with me on a relief basis about once a month for 5 days at the time. My house is stable and he knows how things work here, where his room is - basically he is really comfortable here. He has been using the potty infrequently at his foster home and here over the last year I think. Suddenly (after watching a potty video, I think :camo: ) he wants to pee all day. Now he has had surgery there and I am not 100 % sure if every thing is fine. He manages to pee 5 drops mostly and then wants to go again in 5 mins. Im not too bothered about that although it is driving me nuts :hypno: but its the #2 that has me concerned. When he does #2 he has to be standing upright and definately wont do it on the potty - again im not bothered by that. But now we face the problem of trying ot get him to go now - he has gone a little today but i am also concerned long term - If he can only poo standing up, how will he ever learn to sit and poo when the time comes.
So i guess i have to 2 questions - should i jsut ignore all attempts to pee on the potty and what should i do about his febile attempts to poo sitting down.
Thanks for reading
First, ask your dr. about both concerns, esp. since he's had surgery.Then, depending on what the dr. says, tackle each situation as appropriate. Our dr. said that getting kids to poop in the potty can be very ... interesting. Apparantly it is very common for kids to not want to poo in the potty. I'm potty training my 4th (out of 5) kids and he's my first to not poop in the potty. I guessed we lucked out up until now. :D Kids get the hang of potty training eventually. He will, eventually, sit on the potty. You don't mention how old your son is, but chances are he'll catch on with time and positive reinforcement. We've been having him sit on the potty for a timed session every hour or so to attempt to catch him when he has to poop. We do 10 minutes every hour or so, and read books and chat until the timer beeps. No success on the potty yet, but we want to get him used to being on the potty long enough for it to happen, and to be used to how it feels on the potty when it happens. He pees in the potty just fine, so we aren't working on that.Post with anything you do that helps.
Well, the small amounts of pee and all day long sound like medical problems...maybe even a urinary tract infection if not something related to his surgery. Would definitely talk to doc or see urologist.
Does going #2 seem to hurt? Are his stools normal? He could have hemmorhoids or something that hurt when he sits to poop. Would ask about that as well.
Gosh. First son was easy peesy and he's 13 now. But the 22mo old will be going through potty training soon and reading some of these threads has me worried. HeeHee
Thanks for your feedback. In the last week he is peeing bigger amounts and although he asks to go pee really frequently I am telling him to hold it in. He seems to have some fixation or obsession ( I dont mean that in an awful way) he jsut gets something in his head and repeats it continously so since i have told him to hold it in, he has been peeing larger amounts.
The #2s were more prob from moving home again, although he hasnt gone again for a few days. But i think i might try to get him to sit with his pullup on when i see him needing to poo. Thanks for that suggestion, i had heard of that before. Its seems kind of hard as i dont want to focus on it but if i dont say 'you are there to poop" he will jsut distract himself and then the urge goes away. Hence he holds it in for days.
We will see and i will update any new developments.
Thanks again for responding
An update almost 4 years later is that I started him on daily flax - linseed or flax seed and since he has started that he has needed 2 supps to go - so instead of every 5 days he now has gone years without any extra help. He is pretty dependant though, if he misses a few days in the week, then the trouble comes back, but otherwise its been amazing. I swear by that stuff.