My Husband and I started dating when i was 7 months pregnant with my 4 yearl Daughter. We were married 2 years ago, and he is the only father dd has ever known. We have since added another child to our family.
My 4 year old's daughter abandoned me when I was pregnant, and has never once met or layed eyes on my daughter, (we live in the same small town) and for the past yeatr he has been sent to prison. He has 3 other children, 2 he has in his life, and one that he Barely saw.
The question is My DH would love to formally adopt my daughter before she reaches the age of 5....he wasthere for her since before she was born. He loves her as his own.
I would like to do all this my self.....Has anyone gone through any of this? would i be better of getting an attorney? I am confident I can do this myself, I just need help with the steps, and the papaer work. Thanks for any advice.