Originally Posted By susan quimbyhi, my name is susan quimby. i was born in baltimore,maryland july 9,1965 in baltimore city hospital. couldyou please give me some more information. my birth-mothers name was jacqueline and my birthfathers namewas stoney. both of thier last names started with ans. the state of maryland won't release thier last namesto me. they were not married. they were both 18 at thetime of my birth. birthmother was born in pennsylvaniain 1947. father is unknown. i was born on a fridaynight at 8:20 pm. please e-mail me thankyou, i hope and pray that you are my sister.
Hi, I was born in Baltimore in 1958 to Linda Reed and adopted, actually BEFORE birth.
NOTE: The State of Maryland has a Confidential IntermediaryӔ search program that will locate and contact birth relatives. See information below:
Confidential Intermediary Program: Adopted adults age 21 or older and birth parents of an adopted adult age 21 or older may apply to the Director of the Social Services Administration to use the State's search, contact, and reunion services.
Maryland Department of Human Resources
Social Services Administration
311 W. Saratoga Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-7506
Fax: (410) 330-0127
Using the State of Maryland Adoption Registry: Adopted adults age 21 or older, birth parents, and birth siblings age 21 or older may register.
Mutual Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry
Maryland Department of Human Resources
Social Services Administration
311 West Saratoga Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-3521
(410) 767-7372 or (410) 767-7423
Requesting Non-Identifying Information: Adopted adults or birth parents if it is the placing agency's policy. Adopted adults may petition the court to view their medical and family history.
Original Birth Certificate: An adoptee must petition the court in which the adoption was finalized, receive if the adoption was finalized after July 1, 1947, and before January 1, 2000. For adoptions finalized after January 1, 2000, adopted adults age 21 or older can receive their original birth certificate and report of the decree or judgment of adoption. If the birth parents have filed a disclosure veto, all identifying information will be deleted. Birth parents of an adopted adult age 21 or older can receive a copy of the altered birth certificate and report of the decree or judgment of adoption. If the adopted adult has filed a disclosure veto, all identifying information will be deleted. For adoptions finalized before July 1, 1947, an adopted adult may receive the original birth certificate.
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I was born in Baltimore in June of 1967...wrong year? Good luck finding your sister. I'm told I have two sisters out there that were not put up for adoption.
i was born in baltimore in 1965 do you know any more thanks