Hi, all. Anyone have a clue how long ICPC to Indiana usually takes? The agency said in Texas it should be only a day or two, but that she has no clue how long Indiana will take. Any help is appreciated. We've already been here for 6 days and are hoping not to have to stay too much longer.
Thanks in advance.
Friends of ours recently adopted from IN and they live in TX, they were in Indiana a total of 5 weeks before ICPC was cleared. But no idea going the opposite direction. Our oldest sons from IL to OK took 24 hours and our youngest from TX to OK took 3 weeks due to medical clearances etc since he was a preemie.
Both of our adoptions, Indiana approved the day it was received. Both were sent overnight, there by 10am. The first we got clearanace at about 4. This last time, we got clearance around 1. Indiana is usually VERY quick. Do you know if it has left TX yet? I called IN the first time just to make sure it had been received. (OH was slow that time...) You can do a google search for IN ICPC and get the number and call to see if they have received it yet.