Can anyone tell me if it is hard to go from a homestudy for low risk foster to adopt and to a foster homestudy? I'm beginning to think I could help more kids by fostering than by adopting. I haven't really discussed this with hubby though. What do you guys think?
Shouldn't be a problem at all. Where I am at, the homestudies are the same except to adopt there is a part2 that is more in-depth. So to take a step back, so to speak, to foster only would not require a thing.
Actually, if you have gone the foster/adopt route you can simply state that you would like to foster and then if a child comes into your home and goes to TPR and feels right that you would like to adopt and your paperwork would already be complete for that.
So in your case, it is simply a decision and having them put you into the system computer for fostering.
We were told that the term "foster to adopt" is a little misleading because it is all foster. The "to adopt" means that if one happens to come available you would want to adopt, but that doesn't mean that you have to adopt. They try to give foster to adopt families kids they think will go to adoption, but I am here to tell you that you will probably not adopt the first kid they put in your home unless you are really really lucky. They were 95% positive we were going to be able to adopt our first placement and they went back in 6 weeks! Now we have a little boy we got as a respit care situation, and now it looks like he may come up for adoption!! It's so crazy. I have a friend who is foster to adopt and she has taken in 5 kids at a time for 5 years and hasn't been able to adopt one of them! All of hers have gone back to the parents or to family. She keeps try though because she knows that these kids need us to try so badly.