I don't know how many of you listen to Laura Ingraham, and this is certainly not a posting that has anything to do with politics, but Laura Ingraham just announced on her radio show that she returned this week from Guatemala after adopting her little girl.
She has a very large audience and she could be a great resource for assisting all those PAPs and APs who are or hope to adopt from Guatemala.
Congratulations and Godspeed to Laura.
Single mom to 3 little guys, hoping for 1 more.
No she is not Dr Laura. Laura Ingraham is the author of Power to the People. I haven't listened to her other than an interview here and there, but she's well spoken and certainly deserves the best wishes.
Regardless, for the sake of this discussion, she is a mother and a fellow AP of a Guatemalan child and that is all that matters.
AP to 3 little boys
I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing.
I used to listen to her all the time, until they changed her time-slot. She's a well-spoken, thoughtful, reasonable person - not a mud-slinger.
I wish her the best, and maybe her platform will help the world see the best of Guatemalan adoptions.
Regardless, for the sake of this discussion, she is a mother and a fellow AP of a Guatemalan child and that is all that matters.
AP to 3 little boys
Oh, sheesh, I wasn't trying to get into a debate here. I was just trying to figure out who she was. Sorry. I'm honestly thrilled she adopted and that she's famous enough to be able to tell millions of people.
She said on her site it was a 2 and half year process, she isn't a young baby.
Oh, wow. That's tough. :( Glad the baby's home, though.
Good for her! I saw her on a show about breast cancer, she is a breast cancer survivor. What a wonderful advocate for IA, I think she has an audience of millions!!!!
That's great. Good for her and best wishes to her and her new daughter. :)
Maybe she can get some positive press about Guat adoptions.
There's a short article in today's print Washington Post about it. It says that after trying to get pregnant for 2 years, Laura I. decided to adopt. The little girl is 3 and it says she was adopted from an orphanage and there is small photo of her too...
I wonder what Laura Ingraham would have to say about the non-mom post.
She could probably bring attention to this offensive contest.
Although I am not a Guatemalan adoptive parent, I have never heard of Laura Ingraham before. Surprising since I keep up with the local news. I feel like I"m in a vacuum or something.
Amy K, NJ
Here's a link to her announcement...
[url=]Laura Ingraham: Free Stuff[/url]