I gave the department over a month's notice and today (24 hrs before respite was set to begin) they called with the info on a family they found.
You know, I have repeatedly begged now that we are disrupting for R to go to a home where he is an only or maybe with only 1-2 around his age. I also suggested that they find a potential home for this weekend so that we could kill two birds with one stone---the family could have time with R and hubby and I would have our first respite ever!!
NOT---last month he went to the home where he was kid#8 and they turned him down. Gee, wonder why? And this weekend I know the couple and they have 4 (2 bio and 2 adopted) and perhaps more foster that I don't know about. I smell disaster, but I will be too far away soon to smell anything from around here. Yea!
We have not seen mom in 3 weeks. Very typical. She got out of jail in March, came for two weeks in a row (the max for her), and then disappeared again. R is very angry. She has parented for 7 hours in 6 months. She did finish her parenting class paperwork while in jail ( I, myself, have never tried parenting from an 8x8 cell while I have nothing but time on my hands but apparently you think clearer).
I got this email from caseworker:
"Just going to let you know that I contacted Rs mother today. I asked her if she wanted to visit tomorrow, she stated yes. She looked and sounded really messed up (on pills, drugs, alcohol?), so IҒm not sure if she will even remember talking to me. Will R be home? Thanks for everything"
I wanted to reply...."thanks for nothing" but I was nice and told them when and where R would be. WHY ARE WE ASKING THIS WOMAN IF SHE WANTS TO VISIT WHILE SHE IS OBVIOUSLY UNDER THE INFLUENCE? Why are we asking at all? It seemed very obvious to me that she did not want to see R the alst 3 weeks when she chose not to show up on her designated day. They couldn't even find her, although I saw her outside her favorite pub yelling at some people.
And they wonder why R's behaviors are escalating while they shame her into visiting him while she is partying. She shows up and promised him the moon, AGAIN, and by last night he was not listening to a word hubby and I said. Why should he? According to her, he'll be home any day now with a pony and a party.
It's crazy and it is making me that way so I am ever so grateful for my respite weekend come tomorrow. To MSRED (my partner in this wacky domestic bliss) have a wonderful respite weekend yourself. May it be all I hope mine to be!!
After having all of our issues with Mr. Investigator, when we took our very first respite, it was soo welcomed...
Enjoy every last minute...
I need one of those repite thingies....I thought my sex life went down the drain when we adopted my 2 yr older, but with the 3 new fosters it ain't a thought, it is down the drain. We need some us time too!
thank God love counts for something