My name is Lou Rafello and I was born February 5, 1965 at Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City, CA. My birth Moms name was Vyvian Castro and has since been married and is now Vyvian Valone residing in Fair Oaks, CA. What I am in search of now is my birthfather. Vyvian was married to a gentleman with the last name of Castro but he was/is not my birthfather. She was already pregnant with me when she got married and although Mr Castro wanted to raise me as his own Vyvian said "no" and had me placed for adoption. I was adopted by Louis Frank and Rosalie Ann Rafello and the adopition was final in August of 1965. I have since briefly talked with Vyvian and discussed this with her but she can't/ doesn't want to remember on who my birthfather was. She told me also that she never told hom that she was pregnant with me. Now I am worried that this father has gone on thru life possibly w/o kids of his own and never knowing that he had me! I would just love to know any and all family history not just for myself but for my three going on four kids!
If you have any info on this please do not hesitate to call me and or email me! Please I am desperate!
:grouphug: :cheer: :grouphug: :cheer: :grouphug: :cheer: :grouphug: :cheer:
:thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: