How do you get a four year old to figure out how to wipe himself good enough?? I have a new foster boy who doesn't do a good job and their is poop in his underwear which makes him stink, and of course another kid has told him he stinks. I asked him if he knows how to do it and he said he does, so I went in the bathroom and asked him to show me how he does it. Sure enough he did it right, but not very well. How do you teach a 4 year old to do this?? I have never had a foster kid this age before. I have only had babies. Any suggestions from people with prior experience?
Yes, I told him to wipe with toilet paper until it looks clean and then use a flushable wipe last to really clean it. The problem now seams to be that he fills the toilet up with tp trying to get it to clean, but just can't seam to clean it effectivly with a reasonable amount of tp. I'll try the bend way over thing and see if he can get it better that way. Plus he was getting his fingers in it. Oh, I hope we can figure this out!! Poor little guy!
I have to help my 4 year old because he doesn't do it well enough either.
My 11 year old boy still has this problem. Maybe it is a boy thing.
my 4 year old son gets pretty clean about 75% of the time, but there are days :eyebrows: when it is not so great. I 2nd the wipes and having a pedi tell you to do it then the SW can't argue as much.
Our DD took a long time to get it, she is 9 and just this last year we could really trust her to get herself clean. She has fine motor delays and just didn't have the dexterity or hand strength to do the job well.
I had to laugh when I read this post...must be a boy thing...I still have to help DH. LOL! Seriously, soooo many skid marks in his underwear and it makes me absolutely loopy. I told him I wasn't buying him anymore tighty whities and I meant it. As for my 4 year old son, he does a good job most of the time. He's going through this phase where he doesn't like anyone to see him undressed so wiping for him is out of the question, so we've taken to buying the wet wipes and hoping for the best. So far so good. Hope you figure out something soon sweetie.
I had to laugh when I read this post...must be a boy thing...I still have to help DH. LOL! Seriously, soooo many skid marks in his underwear and it makes me absolutely loopy. I told him I wasn't buying him anymore tighty whities and I meant it. As for my 4 year old son, he does a good job most of the time. He's going through this phase where he doesn't like anyone to see him undressed so wiping for him is out of the question, so we've taken to buying the wet wipes and hoping for the best. So far so good. Hope you figure out something soon sweetie.
I have helped all of my children wipe until they are 4-4 1/2. ATXMOM, I would recommend letting him use the flushables first. Doesn't seem to save you much money by not using them if he is wasting that much toilet paper anyway! I buy our flushable wipes when they are on sale and clean the store out! I think I bought 8 packages the last time Walgreens had a good sale on them. The only child I let use them currently is my FD because she wasn't doing a good job keeping her privates clean. My 4 1/2 year old BS only recently graduated from the flushable wipes! They don't get to use the flushable wipes unless they are wiping themselves. My 2 1/2 yo FS has started asking to do it himself so he can use them!
My grandson is almost 4 and we wipe for him. He can not reach his bottom well enough to do this. We also use the flushable wipes to get him clean. I have had many foster children and day care children and I did the same for them. It comes with maturity.
Have him do it once or twice then have him tell you when he's done...check and do it yourself if he didn't get it good. We always wipe our 4 yr old.