a homestudy for adoption? Do they use the same info or do we refill out everything? Will they use the same background/fingerprints?
We are scheduled to have our adoption homestudy on June 16, 2008
Anyone have any suggestions as to what types of questions we should ask? I am only asking this because we have some But when the appt. is over we always think of something else and then have problems reaching them to ask.
She says that DH doesn't have to be there and that she won't be going through the house. Is that true or do they just tell you that? the house is always clean so i'm not worried just wondering if they just say that to catch you "off guard" (not meant bad)
what kinds of things do they do for this homestudy that is different from the foster care homestudy?
Thanks I am just a little anxious.
It might depend what state you are in. And is it the same agency? We were working with an infant only agency and had our homestudy done with them. Then, fast forward 2 years, we decided to swtich and do fost/adopt. We had to redo everything. New fingerprints, background checks, home inspection, interviews, paperwork . . . Some of the forms were exactly the same. For our home inspection the worker looked through our whole house. but not super thoroughly. If she wanted to see what was inside a closet or cupboard she would ask. But my 8 yr. old daughter was giving the "tour". But, in general a homestudy is just the paperwork, home inspection and interview process. We did not really have a list of questions, we just asked as we thought of them. Good luck.
I just went through this as we are scheduled to finalize (please God!) on September 8th. I was told by everyone OUTSIDE of my DHS licensing worker that I would need my current foster homestudy to be "updated" to become the adoption homestudy. I was told by friends who have recently adopted their foster children, through our state, that when it came time for the "adoption homestudy" they were given a list of outside agencies to choose from. Once they chose the agency the agency would contact DHS, get a copy of the original HS, with all of the security clearance, etc., and basically build their "adoption HS" off of that, just updating it. I was told that it was very simple, basic and quick.
In my case they are adamant (and have gone on record in court as saying so) that my current foster HS is adequate for the adoption to go through. Go figure.
Hope that helps some!
We just finished that process also. We did the straight adoption certification but I was told that updating from one to the other was rather simple since the bulk of the HS, etc was done. I do know that we had an extra finger print clearance done though (as opposed to foster licensing).The adoption HS was three appointments mostly focusing on us, our family dynamics, really getting a good picture of who we are and what kind of child would fit well in our family. The home inspection was the last thing they did and certainly wasn't as thorough or rigid as the foster inspection from what I understand. I was grateful for that.I asked questions about the process, the wait. Can't really remember but our CW is really easy to get a hold of so I could always call her later. I do know Dh had to be there for at least two of our appointments. I don't think they would try to trick you into having an unkept house. My CW told us exactly what she would be looking for in the inspection and made clear appointments with us.Good luck. I don't think you need to stress too much about it.