My Husband and i are thinking of being foster parents but not sure if we are up for the heartache of the child returning to the parents. we would both be happy if the parents did what was needed and would provide their child with a good home, but I am afraid the child will be returned to the same situation and you would just worry about the child. That being said , we were thinking of just doing respite care to get our feet wet. has anyone just done respite care? how long are the children with you ? I am assuming a weekend or maybe a week. I wonder how often you would be offered a respite child. we are open to todllers/ school age/ up to 2 children.:thanks:
After the adoption of my son, we went on hold for 8 months. When we finally opened, we opened only for respite. We had a 13 yr old girl come for a week at a time, for 3 weeks spreadout over a 5 week period. Her respite was for bad behaviors in her home, (her foster mother specifically asked for us, knowing we would have rules). We have done respite in the past and now that we are looking for our second adoption, my DH and I have decided once placed, we would remain open, but ONLY for respite. Yes respite can be for a weekend, week, several weeks, etc. It depends on the situation. Sometimes the parents just need a break, sometimes they are going out of town, sometimes it's because the child is acting up/out. We get calls pretty regularly and I think we'll be the only "respite only" foster home in our whole agency. It's definitely a nice way to get your feet wet, but also keep in mind that you may not see a child's true behaviors, as most of the time they honeymoon. Good luck!