We are in the process of adopting a special needs child through the state special needs program. The child has been living with us through kinship care until both parents were TPR'd in May. We had to take a class on special needs adoption and now are foster parents to him. It's such a long process to adopt, we are just working on the home study.
I am still in the beginning stages of the process. I have a consultation tomorrow with someone from the state agency. How long have you been working on the home study? I'm surprised you even have to do a homestudy since the child is already living with you. Did you have to do a foster care homestudy before placement, or was that waived due to kinship?
It's very frustrating for us- after they TRR'd the parents it took until the end of June for the state social worker to even contact us. We are in the midle of the home study process now, with interviews, back ground checks, finger printing and such. What floors us is we had back ground checks and a relative home study done before he was placed with us, but the social worker didn't think it was good enough as it was done through the county not state. Everthing takes soooo long. The SW told us that it will be around Christmas before we can adopt. Where in Wi are you located, we're about 40 minutes west of Madison.
I am in Madison, so not too far from you.
I just had a consultation with someone from the state agency who said that I should expect the home study to take 4 to 6 months, and that's after I get all my paperwork submitted and approved. I don't mind the wait because I'm actually aiming for a placement in early 2009, but I am glad I decided to go ahead and start the process right away. Initially, I had been planning to wait a couple months to start, but since my landlord let me out of my lease early, I was able to move into a bigger apt. sooner that I had expected.
I really don't understand why you need a whole new home study, but maybe it is because your initial home study was for foster care only. It's too bad they can't just use the information from your first home study and then only focus on the extra information that you didn't provide before, but at least it sounds like you might get a nice Christmas present.
How exciting for you- I'm glad you talked to someone, there are so many children out there with special needs that need to be cared for.
I know I complain about the wait, but it will be so worth it in the end, it will be a great Christmas present.