So I am wondering how important is credit history? When I was 18/19 I did some pretty major damage to my credit. I am wondering is this something that could make me not be approved for foster/adopt? I am currently financially stable and can prove income. Thanks.
I just wanted to let you know, most agencies do not look at your past credit history. Everyone gets down on their luck at times. Companies can go bankrupt without any warning and people can get sick. I had past credit problems because of that situation, it did not stop me from becoming a foster parent or adoptting my son.
Thanks so much for the reply. It had really been bothering me. I know I made a lot of financial mistakes but things are going much better now. I would just hate for it hold us back. Again thanks for the reply one less thing to worry about! :)
They don't do credit checks. They do have you fill out a financial form, but they didn't call or followup on it that I know of. It's purpose isn't to see your financial history, it's more to capture your budget. Basically, how much do you earn in a month (income), minus your rent/mortgage, food, utility bills, etc. It's to show that you aren't going to use the foster/adoptive stipend to cover normal living costs you have without foster children. They understand those costs may increase by having foster children in your home and the stipend will help to cover those costs.
Good luck!
My agency does actually do a credit check but I think they are looking for recent problems, not things from several years ago. As people said, they are really looking to make sure you are financially stable now.
my agency does a credit check to look for bankrupcy and repos. Even if you have that, we just want to make sure the sheriff won't show up at your door next week and the house isn't in danger of being forclosed. No biggie.