there's a foster care conference in huntington on aug. 9...just wondered if anyone here was going. we are with NHS and i wasn't sure if it was just them or open to everyone. it's our first year going.
anyone ever been to something like this? what's it like?
I have no idea where huntington is! Im aware of NHS that is in Sunbury, PA and they have another office in Linglestown, PA. When my AS was in fostercare his agency was NHS, so Im very familiar with the director there -- she's great. I don't know of the conference. Where is huntington? Did it say what type of things were going to occur at the conference?
it is at juniata college, i think by altoona. it is from 745-3, and there's a keynote by some SWAN people, lunch, and afternoon sessions. there's babysitting and activities for the kids all day. the papers i have just have the website, i don't see any other contact info for it. it's the 6th annual nhs resource parent conference. i think we signed up for either a session on adoption or sexual issues in the afternoon.
we're going to take the big boys with us, our little ones are going to be at grandma's that day and we're just going up for the day, not staying over since i think its just a couple hours away.