I finally received my foster license in my new state, we received a call about a sibling placement, my desire is to take medically fragile infants as I am a nurse and I could foster and utilize my skills. The sw said the placement was only for two weeks so my DH and I decided we would help out, of course now they are being very vague about the two weeks, but I tried to be very clear that I want to keep my home open for medically fragile. Here's the scenerio, we picked up the children from their emergency 48 hour placement on a Friday afternoon, no sw present just the other foster mom and us, no papers signed, I didn't even know the kids last names or really how old they were. My DH and I were totally freaked out because if they had gotten sick over the weekend we would have had a hard time getting them seen. Called sw monday morning early, she finally calls me back Tuesday, she faxes a paper to the local clinic so that I can take the little boy in because he has a rash. That's it, no other contact still no papers signed, the kids came with the clothes they were wearing and a small bag from Children's services but nothing in there was there size. I feel very uncomfortable with this lack of concern and it just seems wrong. In my previous state we all got together and signed papers and relayed all important information. Does this seem strange to any of you?
It is strange but it actually just happened to us as well. We went to the pervious FP house to pick up our first placement. NO ONE ELSE. And its still 2 weeks later and no papers! The only papers I have are the papers the other FP's gave us! I have been emailing all I can to track down the correct papers and have been told they are "in the mail"