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Bositi, I don't know if you sorted out how to find the former Red Feather Agency. I did many years ago. Their new name is Applewood Centers, Inc. If you were adopted in Cleveland, Ohio, the last address I had from them is 2525 East 22nd St., Cleveland, OH 44115-3266. I am not sure that is still their location. However the phone number has not changed. You can call them at (216) 696-5800. Sorry I wasn't on here years ago when you wanted information. I have found my birthmother (back in 1981) and have found all of the other children she gave up for adoption as well as those she kept. I also have found my biological father's family. He died in 2011 and I found them through DNA in 2014.
Best wishes on your search.
Hi Stephanie,
I am the starter of this thread (had to set up a new account because I forgot all my login info) and stumbled back upon it. I see now that you posted. Thank you for the info. My brother (adopted as well) is now searching for his bio mom. so your info will be every helpful! I DID find my bio Mom, Dad, half brother and sisters! I somehow discovered ISRR (International Soundex Reunion Registry) in Las Vegas...I know...I was doubtful. Call was the woman who helped me find my bio mom. AMAZING! I will pass your info on to my brother. Thank you so much!