I was blessed to find someone who emailed me many of the necessary forms for completing our own step parent adoption in Texas. As a Thank You to that person and to help others I am attaching the files sent to me so other's may access them on the forum. God Bless. D
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No, the child and stepparent just have to be living in the same home for at least 6 months.
I realize this is an old thread, but I'm trying to get the forms for doing a step-parent adoption in Montgomery County, Texas. It is an area just north of Houston. My wife has sole rights to the child since the biological father signed away his rights shortly after he was born. Please send them to
I looked a little on the Montgomery County website and they said:The Court does not provide adoption forms. Adoption can be a complex legal matter, and you may need an experienced attorney to handle your petition for adoption. For referrals and information about lawyers who handle adoptions, please contact the Montgomery County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service at 301-279-9100. Should you qualify under their income guidelines, they may be able to refer you to an attorney to work for a reduced fee.So maybe one of the lawyers there could help you find the paperwork? I also included the link to where I found this. If you end up finding the forms, be sure to let us know how you did it! Good luck!