Hi, we are adopting 2 sisters 4 and 13, we already signed up for subsidies, when we first applied we knew we would get one for 13 yo, but didn't expect one for 4 yo (we brought up 13 yo had adhd worried that 4 yo might have later), our worker called us and told us that we were approved for both, but 4 yo wouldn't get a check, she would keep medicaid (she would anyway because she gets ssa), we would get a monthly check later on if she tests positive for adhd, and dhr would pay for both adoptions, we signed papers at lawyers office and lawyer said all we would pay is filing fees. Today I took 4 yo to dr. and was told she didn't have medicaid, called medicaid office, they said it was cancelled, called worker she said that she was waiting on t numbers and would let me know them so I could continue with appts. Then worker called me back and said we wouldn't get medicaid because we were denied a subsidy on her and dhr wouldn't pay for adoption the worker denied that she called me and told me 4 yo was approved. We have had some problems recently that we think contributed, but can't prove it. A 16 yo was sent to us by her foster parents as punishment, we found out some stuff that had been going on, and child didn't want to go back, we had workers and supervisors involved in that (the foster parent was the president of our foster parent adoption asso.) then we have 3 siblings 16 mos. , 4 yo and 6 yo, 4 yo told mom that I choked her (haven't laid a hand on her, she hasn't been in trouble but 1 time when I told her to go to the corner and she went, but she is a mommas girl and she wants to go home and her mom keeps telling her she is coming to get her), our worker was involved, 2 child workers and 2 supervisors, until child told it was not true. Then we find out about subsidy and medicaid.
Can dhr stop medicaid before adoption is final and leave child with no insurance?
How can I find out why we were lied to about subsidy and dhr paying for adoption?
I would suspect the denial of subsidy is because they don't want to pay you any more money than they have to.
That being said...consider another route...ask if the 4 yo would automatically get subsidy considering she is part of a sibling group...typically, sibling groups are considered harder to place, especially with a 13 yo sibling in that group.
My kids were 9 and 10 when we adopted them, and qualified for subsidy on the fact that they were siblings, nothing "special needs" such as counseling, etc.
I would definitely get a second and third opinion and find out why all this is getting denied.
My kids have medicaid, and that is their right until they are 18, because they were adopted...regardless of their families' income.
Hi, we are adopting 2 sisters 4 and 13, we already signed up for subsidies, when we first applied we knew we would get one for 13 yo, but didn't expect one for 4 yo (we brought up 13 yo had adhd worried that 4 yo might have later), our worker called us and told us that we were approved for both, but 4 yo wouldn't get a check, she would keep medicaid (she would anyway because she gets ssa), we would get a monthly check later on if she tests positive for adhd, and dhr would pay for both adoptions, we signed papers at lawyers office and lawyer said all we would pay is filing fees. Today I took 4 yo to dr. and was told she didn't have medicaid, called medicaid office, they said it was cancelled, called worker she said that she was waiting on t numbers and would let me know them so I could continue with appts. Then worker called me back and said we wouldn't get medicaid because we were denied a subsidy on her and dhr wouldn't pay for adoption the worker denied that she called me and told me 4 yo was approved. We have had some problems recently that we think contributed, but can't prove it. A 16 yo was sent to us by her foster parents as punishment, we found out some stuff that had been going on, and child didn't want to go back, we had workers and supervisors involved in that (the foster parent was the president of our foster parent adoption asso.) then we have 3 siblings 16 mos. , 4 yo and 6 yo, 4 yo told mom that I choked her (haven't laid a hand on her, she hasn't been in trouble but 1 time when I told her to go to the corner and she went, but she is a mommas girl and she wants to go home and her mom keeps telling her she is coming to get her), our worker was involved, 2 child workers and 2 supervisors, until child told it was not true. Then we find out about subsidy and medicaid.
Can dhr stop medicaid before adoption is final and leave child with no insurance?
How can I find out why we were lied to about subsidy and dhr paying for adoption?
First, I would check with the CW Supervisor, and maybe even a call to the people that handle subsidy themselves.
In our state, there is a whole different department of people who handle the subsidy side of the cases.
Hi, who would I get a 2nd and 3rd opinion from?
Our dhr policy is a sibling group of 3 or more are considered special needs.
First of all, I'd check the NACAC adoption subsidy page for your state:[url=]NACAC | Adoption Subsidy[/url] As for the 4 y.o. receiving Medicaid, is she Title IV-E? If she is, that will make it MUCH easier. Children who have federally funded (Title IV-E) subsidy are automatically eligible for Medicaid benefits. However, it is the state's decision whether state-funded (non-Title IV-E) children are eligible for Medicaid benefits inAlabama. Below is information on the Medicaid benefits available for state-funded children.Medicaid coverage is granted to all Federal (Title IV-E) subsidy recipients. Non IV-E eligible children placed for adoption for whom there is in effect a signed approved state adoption subsidy agreement may be determined eligible for Medicaid. It must be determined that the child cannot be placed for adoption without medical assistance because of the childs special needs for medical or rehabilitative care. Prior to the execution of the subsidy agreement, the child must have been eligible for Medicaid under the stateҒs approved Medicaid plan or it must be determined that the child would have been eligible for Medicaid if the standards and methodologies of the Title IV-E foster care program were applied rather than AFDC methodologies. As for DHR stopping subsidy or medicaid, did you sign a subsidy agreement? Not yet? You might want to contact a parent volunteer about subsidy issues - they'll know the ins and outs in your state. Alabama's are:[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]NACAC Subsidy Representative (parent/volunteer)[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Buddy Hooper AL Foster/Adoptive Parent Assn. 1091 County Rd 1659 Cullman, AL 35058 Phone: 256-796-0582 Fax: 775-667-8282 E-mail: [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Mary Smith AL Foster/Adoptive Parent Assn.PO Box 16 Titus, AL 36080Phone: 334-567-4143 E-Mail:[/FONT]
Anyway, hope that helps. Be sure to get this all taken care of before finalization, then it's really hard to fight to get it back!!! Sandy
Hi, thanks to all who have replied, we filled out paperwork for subsidy for both, we have already signed all paperwork, attorney was also told that dhr would pay for both, and we would have medicaid. 4 yo was supposed to keep medicaid because she receives ssi death benifits (bio-dad).