My name is Sara and I am in the process of starting up a taekwondo school. It will not be up and running for a few years but I am constantly writing down ideas and one in particular came to mind that I will definately be implementing is a scholarship program for foster children. And although I am in the very beginning stages I wanted to get some imput from foster parents to see what their thoughts were. So far I am planning on having 3-10 spots available each testing cycle, the number will vary depending on how big the school is, as I grow so will the number of spots available. If need be a "waiting list" would be put into place so that when a new testing cycle started the people who have waited the longest will get the first spots, that sort of thing, any suggestions for that. And tuition would be totally free as would belt testings, they only thing that I am coming across that I would need ideas in is the gear. Once children reach a certain belt, camo in my style they would need sparring gear, it will take a year or longer to reach this point so I am wondering, if this will even be much of an issue. Also I have thought about having the other parents sponsor one piece of gear each testing cycle if they would like to. Do any of you have any other suggestions.
Another thing I would like to add is that the kids would not be identified as the "scholorship" children in any way. I just want to give back and know that the martial arts can change lives. Would any foster parents be interested in this at all and how would I get the word out when I started my school. Again any suggestions are welcomed, be brutally honest. Thank you for all your help and all you do for the children. :thanks:
i don't know where you will be located but if you were in north alabama our foster parents would jump on it. We have alot of great fp that get their fc involved in as much as they can. if i'm not mistaken we have 3 different kids from different foster homes that are taking karate or taekwondo now. they were actually discussing it tonight at our monthly fp meeting. good luck and thank you in advance for "giving back"
What a shame you are not in PA! I have enrolled previous fosters in tae kwon do at the YMCA and it is EXPENSIVE! But I agree that the program is very beneficial. God Bless You for your generous heart:grouphug: