Hi, My DH and I would love to foster adopt a child . I work 3 days a week and when I called a private agency I was told that infants and toddlers are not placed in homes where the mother works. I only work 3 days a week and I was really upset by this. I am wondering if this is a state law or if it varies from agency to agency. I would love to foster a child 0-5 but wonder if this is even possible if I work part time.Has anyone else run into this problem?
I fostered in Montgomery County, not an agency, and I worked part time. They had no problem with that.
However, they do not reimburse you for childcare, which can be expensive...$125 for 3 days a week. In Montgomery county, fosters can get childcare subsidies (basically free) but you have to work 25 hours a week and there is a waiting list.
Good luck
Our agency doesn't require a SAHM for young children/babies. When they do the homestudy for families that do have working moms and want young children, they do address how the babies' needs will be met while the foster mother is at work (i.e. take FMLA at placement, have family or friend watch child - of course would need to get clearances, utilize daycare facility).
The did have a few agencies tell me that they would not place young children with me because I work but I just kept looking for an agency that would. Like the other ladies said, the foster agency will not pay for day care and they want you to have a plan for how you are going to find care for the child, but my county also has a subsidy for daycare for foster children. once I get through the waiting list, it will only cost $5/week.
I work part time and foster. my foster child goes to the child care provided by my employer just as my bio kids do. it's free to me, meaning the state doesn't have to pay for it. our workers are all backround checked though, and the head of the child care did go through the IMPACT training with us.