I have recently decided that I would like to become a foster parent. I am open to adoption but that isn't my number one intent. So I contacted SWAN and was given the listing of agencies here in Philly. Yikes!!! I called the 3 that were in my zip code and only 1 returnd my phone call. So right now, this 1 agency seems like the 1 I will go with but I would like to know of other people's impression and experiences with the different agencies before I commit to one. My biggest question is how they differ. I figure the kids would be pretty much the same since they round robin the placements here. I have let a few people at work know of my interest and they are passing my phone number on to foster parents they know so that I can talk to them also. I know the questions I should be asking the agencies...but talk is cheap. I would like to hear from people actually experienced with them. I guess most of this has to be discussed in PM.
Thanks in advance for your help.