[url=]Early Arkansas Returns: Adoption Ban, Lottery Passing|ABC24-CW30 Eyewitness News | Memphis, TN[/url] A single person gay or not gay won't be able to adopt or foster in Arkansas. It's NOT right!
The real loosers in this vote...the kids in foster care.
How many of the people of Arkansas, who voted this law into effect, are going to adopt these hard to place children? VERY FEW! It is a sad situation.
That being said, try being a single father and inquire about a child in Florida. I did several years ago. They won't even accept a home study from the worker, who also called. No laws on the books against single fathers, just no workers will respond to single fathers.
I hate stereotyping.
You all seem to have the new law a little wrong.
It is not a ban against single parent adoption, but a ban against unmarried couples (of any sex) fostering or adopting.
Which is even worse as far as discrimination...
Please read this thread, it's amazing how bigotted people still are.
The real loosers in this vote...the kids in foster care.
How many of the people of Arkansas, who voted this law into effect, are going to adopt these hard to place children? VERY FEW! It is a sad situation.
That being said, try being a single father and inquire about a child in Florida. I did several years ago. They won't even accept a home study from the worker, who also called. No laws on the books against single fathers, just no workers will respond to single fathers.
I hate stereotyping.