I'm looking at the ACCESS web site and they say ACCESS is only for physical health. Our caseworker told us it was for physical and mental health. CW is gone this week so I thought I'd ask the question here. How does one get mental health services, like a psych. eval., therapy, etc., for a foster child?
Our sons were adopted last year from PA. They have an Access card which covers their mental health needs only. They also have a Unison health card for their psyical health care. The Access card is only used for mental health. It covers their therapies, psychologist, etc. We are in Westmoreland County. The boys were adopted from Allegheny County. We did need to get new cards after the adoption, as they changed counties. Hope that helps!
ACCESS is ONLY mental health. There should also be another medical/insurance card/coverage for your child. We've had foster kids that have had Unison, Gateway, etc. ACCESS does not cover prescriptions, glasses, dental, etc. It only covers therapy, in home services, etc. All foster children have BOTH ACCESS and another insurance card. Each county in PA has ACCESS and the medical insurance card, but the actual insurance carrier differs by county. For instance, our ACCESS insurance carrier in Dauphin County is [FONT=LegacySerifStd-Book][FONT=LegacySerifStd-Book]Community Behavioral HealthCare Network of Pennsylvania (CBHNP)[/FONT][/FONT]. We adopted my son from Northumberland County and we are in Dauphin County -- we had to wait several months before he could receive services under his insurance since it would be different insurance companies. I have fostered children from both Dauphin and York counties. Your caseworker is incorrect and you need to get a hold of he/she and get the other insurance card. The other coverage is what covers any/all medical. If you have any other questions, just ask -- Ive been through it.
I'm looking at the ACCESS web site and they say ACCESS is only for physical health. Our caseworker told us it was for physical and mental health. CW is gone this week so I thought I'd ask the question here. How does one get mental health services, like a psych. eval., therapy, etc., for a foster child?