Has anyone done foster care or foster to adopt in either Cumberland or Adams County PA? If so, would you be willing to share your experience? Thanks.
we adopted our son from cumberland co. we are in franklin. we got him through our agency here in our county. we had a good experience with our cw from cumberland. we had support and even though we had to try for tpr twice it went quickly and got scheduled well.
two of our fsons were from adams, but they had probation officers, not caseworkers, and were not preadoptive so i can't offer advice on that. i have found court to be longer waits and the p.o. drags stuff out longer, but that is probably because it is a different situation.
Can you explain why or how you go for tpr twice? We are very new to the process and have no experience so don't understand the ins and outs yet! How long did it take to adopt him? It means so much to hear from someone who has experience with the county we are signing up for...I'll take any info you are willing to share! Thanks again.
we got him and bmom at 4mo old, she left at 5mo. old. a few months later they tried to file for tpr, didn't meet one of the requirements (i think he had not been in care long enough to suit the judge or something...she had disappeared for 6mo. during this time) and she suddenly showed. he gave her 3 more months to do her plan, she didn't, and tpr was filed for and granted and we adopted last december. he was about 21mo. when we finally adopted him. it was fairly quick, i thought, even with her being given extensions for hearings, as well as the months of chances to follow her plan. we had visits in there too, once she resurfaced.