Just wanted to get feedback from other foster moms....have you ever wanted to give up. I have had some run-ins with my caseworker (not over the top) but just out of complete frustration with their lack of consideration, value, respect, inclusiveness.
And, have also felt the same lack of respect from her supervisors' who supported her (naturally).
So, I have basically worked my tail off for these last two placements and have felt completely used and not appreciated. I'm not looking for appreciation but would like to feel my role is valued and worth the respect due.
I have been too much of an advocate I believe and they want me under wraps.
I was told that you are suppose to be able to be invited at every court hearing and address the court. Last hearing we were notified by letter and form. This time nothing and it is on Weds. I'm so confused and feel very powerless in this situation. I was unaware of the political nature of foster care and the negative impact of being too loving or too involved or too much of an advocate.
Their control feels oppressive and unatural to me and I am looking for another agency as soon as my placements go home which is scheduled soon.
Overwhelmed and feeling so unappreciated. The case was extremely difficult (being fairly new) and they were even condescending to me in saying it was an easy case.
Help...with any advice and ideas of nice agencies that deal with SWAN and adoption.
What county are you in? This makes me a little nervous as we have just "signed up" with Cumberland County but have not started classes, etc. So, I know nothing of the system but was wondering if you think the problems are with every county or caseworker? Have you had good experiences as well? How receptive is the county to the idea that you want to adopt? Sorry I can't answer your post but I'm always interested ins someone with state specific info...hope you don't mind!
mkuhlmann06...I think I've spoken to you on another thread. I think you are with Diakon? I'm in Adams County but signed up with Cumberland County CYS. Our orientation isn't until March. The best I can understand is that it will take longer to get approved but we are looking for an infant and the county places within their own homes first before checking with the other agencies. I'm just nervous about the whole process in terms of caseworkers, birthfamilies, and court. This is a whole different world that I know nothing about! But learning a lot from these threads anyway.
we got our son through cumberland but are with a private agency in franklin. i found cumberland to be wonderful to work with, or maybe it was our particular cws there. they were understanding and flexible and kept us informed. even though we had some delays with the adoption by bmom resurfacing and such they were very helpful.