I have heard conflicting stories that there was more kids to foster/adopt due to the fact that the Gov't wanted to TPR kids to move on with permanent adoption AND I have heard that there is less kids to foster/adopt due to the fact the Gov't is keeping some kids with birth parents even if they were in a bad situation cause they were cutting costs. So what is it? Any thoughts? DH and I are looking to foster to adopt and are waiting for a "match"....we were approved 3 months ago and only got one call that wasn't right for our family. Also, I have found out of state kids but when I approached my agency...they were less then eager to want ME to do that. They almost seemed angry. I just am wondering what is going on with the economy...and is this just a bad time to TRY to adopt? I currently have 2 bio boys and want to adopt, but still have kept the idea of another biological child as an option, as I still can get pregnant. But not for much longer, as I am going to be 37 and running out of time. I have wanted to adopt for over 5 years, DH it's not a matter of not being patient...for's just my concerns that BECAUSE of this this TIME just bad? DH and I both wonder if we should just go on and have another bio child and wait till the economy gets better? And opinions?
I'm in Suffolk county, Long Island, NY. DSS (not sure about other foster care agencies) are keeping kids with families more and having caseworkers supervise. Not sure if this will work but when I adopted my 2 little ones, my adoption worker said the trend is to keep families together. That will keep until something dreadful happens.
I agree kids should be able to reunite with birth parents and have that chance..But then again...I also don't want to wait years for a child that never comes and then have waited so long that I can't pursue an international adoption or even choose to get pregnant again. When I originally thought of adopting, the economy was ok..nearly 5-7 years ago...but my boys were small and It wasn't the right time. So when we finally chose this route, I never gave a thought to the economy till recently. In July I will be 37, DH will be 40 and from a biological stand point, it is unrealistic to think I will be fertile many more years. I KNOW I can be patient, but with all the talks about money issues and jobs, I began to start this going to affect our chances? Because if it is, then maybe I should just get pregnant and re-pursue this when things get better. DH and I feel we are going to give things at least 9 months to see if anything comes of it and then re-assess the biological route before its too late. But it just makes me sick as we really wanted to do this. But I keep reminding myself, that we want to expand our family of 2 kids to 3 and if we don't make any headway soon then we may always be missing "someone" from our family. I just hope the economy gets better quickly!
I use an agency that has many choices a couple can use to adopt a child. They can look, you can get a birthmother and they finish the adoption (lower expense cost), embryo adoption and one other. I was told that adoptions are picking up due to the economy. A lot more people can't afford to mother their children and decide that making an adoption plan is best for their child.
We have been waiting 5 months but we have a few more restrictions than some of the other people signed up at our agency.
I am trying to adopt through foster care and already have 2 bio boys aged 12 and 10 and still can conceive another if I want with no problem..and am still considering that..but I and DH right now are hoping to adopt. We are not looking at adopting a newborn but a girl or siblings between the ages of 2-7. We have gotten many calls for boys..but because we already have 2 boys already, we feel a girl would be a better fit for our family. We love kids, but due to our 37 and DH 40 in July...we feel that our next child could be our we are holding out for a Daddy's girl but with the economy...we are just confused and wondering if waiting is going to be enough. I don't care how I have my 3rd...long as we do. So we at this point are in a time where we just don't know what to do. If we wait for years with no guarantee of adopting, then we surely will exhaust the biological route if an adoption isn't meant to be, but we don't want to bail out on one can never tell what could happen. I know my DH is wonderful and will do whatever I want...but I would feel blessed to adopt..but again, it is a gamble that may not result in another child. Good to hear that adoptions are possible right now...I think for us, we will give it a few more months, then I think we will again look at the bio route. Thanks for the reply...I just need right now to figure out how long I should wait. Want to just move on one way or another.