I live in Los Angeles County. My SW won't let me have her email. She says she can't give it out because "she is a state employee." Well, I am a state employee as a school teacher and every student and parent has my email.
I want her email because she is partly deaf and cannot talk on the phone well. When I fax her something, she "never gets it." She calls me back at my house when I have consistently asked her to call me on my cell phone because I work. She still calls my house phone. As a teacher, it is hard for me to talk on the phone because I am teaching and there are 40 kids in my classes from 8:00-3:30 pm.
I'm just curious - can you let me know if you email your social workers/case workers? If so, can you say what city or state your worker is in (if that's all right with you?) I'm just curious to give her some feedback.
We email most of the time because it is so much easier to get a hold of them and inform them of information. We have almost everyone that works at the agencies email address.
MommyWend -
thanks for the email about California foster parents not emailing their social workers. I appreciate the feedback.
It's interesting that California social workers are not doing what other state social workers are.
I wonder why?
I know this post is old but I did want to let people know in CA you can definately email your caseworker.
In LA its:
Sometimes it's slightly different depending on the persons name but you can usually figure it out. If it's wrong it will just bounce back.
I have had the best luck calling but I do have my caseworker's email address. ALL caseworkers have email and if they don't give it to you I think it's because they don't want to have a papertrail.
Good luck in communicating with your CW.
I know that I can email CW's here in MN, but I've had them state that they don't want anything with identifying information re: foster kids on it going through email. Messages can easily be forwarded or misdirected. Maybe this is part of their issue?
Some cws like it and some do not. I have a cw who PREFERS I email her and I have former cws who REFUSED to give me their email addresses. I like to think it's the difference between who wants a paper trail and who doesn't ;)
I have NO idea why CA people say they can't e-mail their sw. That sounds fishy to me.
I've had my sw's e-mail since we started interacting....and she tells me to E-mail her because it's sooooo much easier....
I'm in Riv. county by the way.
my SW told me she'd rather me email her then call her. She's great she even gave me her cell phone #(for emergencies only...) :phone:
I have my workers office phone, email and cell phone number just in case. Email is our preferred method of communicating though.
I email all the important stuff and questions and always cc the DHS worker and advocate. Also ,I always print out a hard copy.
If this is really about lack of ability to communicate with her, go above her to a supervisor and express your concers. It seems silly that a woman who cannot hear wants to talk to people on the phone??
The SW encouraged me to call or email her whenever i want. We are both in CT. I have emailed her quite a few times with questions that come up. She is always very pleasant and answers my questions.