Does anyone know how many square ft. per child you need in the bedroom to determine how many foster children you can have ?
I'm in IL.
I don't recall what it is - but they do define a number and we had one room that I thought was fairly small that would fit 2 kids - the other room, slightly larger, would fit 3.
We were licensed for 4 - we had a bio-son in the room for 2.
Bunk beds were ok in our county as well.
We are starting out PRIDE training next week and I can't believe we can not have bunk beds in the house. I ask if a FC could sleep on the bottom and my Bio-kids on top and you can't even have them in the house.
It is ashame because that limits us to only taking one child.
No bunk beds?? I wouldn't like that either. Kids love them and if you find one with nice sized side rails on the top one, they're safe for an older child.