What do you do when a foster child bites another child?
Tonight, L bit her sister on the stomach and actually drew blood.
I'm at a loss. I asked her why she bit her sister and couldn't get more than "I don't know" for an answer. I also have L sleeping in another room away from her sister tonight. I don't know what else to do.
Typically, I go for natural consequences or a cause-effect type discipline, but I can't think of any good "punishments" for biting.
there was a thread on this recently:
i hope that works, i am not good with links and such
In a training I just attended about trauma and attachment these are a few things they suggested:
First ask "What was wrong with what you just did/what just happened?"
If they say "I dont' know" then you follow up with "You can take your best guess or ask me for help." Keeping in mind that they already know but might not feel safe to admit it. "Helping" doesn't mean giving them the answer still want to make them do the work to tell you what was wrong about their behavior.
Once you get an answer you can ask "What were you thinking or feeling when you did that?"
Then finish with "What would be a better choice next time?"
Remember that "punishment" only focuses on the behavior, not the need behind that behavior. You might find a consequence that stops the biting but she'll just find another way to express whatever she's needing/feeling in the moment.