I've been searching on these registries for years and am pretty sure no one is looking for me, so now I'm going the paperwork route. Just wondering if anyone adopted through LDSFS in ga. has tried [url=]Georgia Adoption Reunion Registry[/url] . I sent my fee and paperwork in this week, they say it takes 4-6 weeks to get non-id info then you can send for the consent to contact which could take 3-6 months. It seems better than having to go through the trouble dealing with the LDS office yourself. I called them once and it was horrible.
Hi Sway,
I am your GA LDSFS expert - if there is one. I was the first birth relative that made them (LDSFS) follow the GA law and do a confidential intermediary search. And I have successfully reunited with my bson. I also helped another bmom do the same thing. They are a pain to work with, but they will do what they are required to do by law. The GARR people are great, but over worked and under paid. They also do not have access to LDSFS adoption records for the most part. I doubt they will be able to get you ANY nonindentifying info. That will have to come through LDSFS. Please let me know if I can help.