I am a senior in high school and am interested in one day seeking a job in an adoption related field. I need advice on what I should major in college to help me prepare for such a job. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks!
I don't work in the adoption field, but seems to me that all the people I know are in social work, family studies or psychology fields.
Most undergraduates who want to go into social work major in either sociology or psychology. Either major is a great foundation for graduate school if you plan to study for a Masters of Social Work (MSW).
I admire you for researching your options for college. Good luck. :)
I highly recommend getting your BSW (bachelors in social work) at an accredited school. It will put you one step ahead to getting your MSW which is very valuable.
The best way to get involved in adoption is to get your bachelors and masters in Social Work. Also, look on-line to see which universities are the best.. and to also double-check that they are accredited. Believe me, it is hard to get involved without that social work title.
Best of luck!! It's a stressful but very rewarding field!